When creating a website it’s very important to arrange your content in a way that is easy for viewers to navigate. Separating your content into pages is a great way to achieve this. People who are familiar with the internet will look for certain pages to find specific information they normally contain. By setting up your website with this in mind you can greatly improve it’s usability.
I have found that some of the following pages are included in most successful websites:
Your homepage should provide a brief description of your business and the services or products you offer. You should also include a call to action to engage your viewers. This could be a link to another part of your site or your contact information to prompt a phone call. It’s considered good practice to use images on your website to capture a viewers attention.
![Sample home page](http://www.velforrester.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/samplehome.jpg)
This is where you show your potential customers who you are and what you believe in . Use this page to tell about the background of your business, your credentials, awards and more. You may also want to include some images of your shop, employees or products.
This page(s) should include detailed descriptions and images of the services you offer. You may also want to include pricing and a call to action such as purchasing options.
![Sample services page](http://www.velforrester.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/services.jpg)
Your products page could include detailed descriptions and images of all the products or brands you offer. It should also include pricing and a call to action such as purchasing options.
A basic contact page should, at a minimum, include your phone number, fax number, email addresses, business name and physical address. It is also a good idea to include a contact form that can be filled out and submitted to you via email or another preferred method.
![A basic contact page](http://www.velforrester.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/contact.jpg)
One of the best ways to show your credibility online is by having testimonials from real people and businesses. A good review can give potential customers the confidence they need to take a chance on a business they have never used before.
If you have a physical location it’s always good to tell your customers how to get there. If they are in your area they may be more likely to visit you in person. There are many options available for including a map on your page and it is a good idea to include your address and phone number as well.
![A basic directions page](http://www.velforrester.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/directions.jpg)
Showcase your talents with a portfolio/gallery page. This page should include detailed images and descriptions of your work. It could also include a call to action for interested clients.
Everyone likes to put a face with a name. Use this page to introduce your staff to potential customers. You could include a team photo, individual photos, employee bios and more.
A frequently asked questions page can be a great buffer for repeat inquiries and should provide useful information about your products and services.
Privacy Policy
If your website collects any personal information or saves any cookies on a users computer it is a good idea to have a privacy policy page. This page will describe how you use this information and ensure your viewers that their personal information will be safe when using your site.
Terms and Conditions
People will sue you over anything so it’s best to protect yourself. Having a terms and conditions page sets guidelines for how your website can be used and regulations for the people using it.
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